After 32 years, Mortal Kombat 2 has finally been ported to the one hyper-expensive ’90s console that could actually do it justice


Mortal Kombat 2 was a pretty advanced arcade game when it launched in 1993, to the point where none of the contemporary home consoles of the time could really do the fighter justice. It turns out, though, that one console of the time actually was capable of handling MK2 – it just took 32 years for somebody to do the work of bringing the game to 3DO.

The 3DO launched in 1993 as the brainchild of EA founder Trip Hawkins. The idea was that the console spec would be licensed out to third-party manufacturers, who would then make their own devices that could play 3DO games. The first 3DO consoles were built by Panasonic and launched at an eye-watering price tag of $699 USD, which is about $1,500 today, accounting for inflation – a price that could put the PS5 Pro to shame.