To Lead in AI, the US Needs a Silicon Revolution
One thing that US politicians seem to agree on, despite a great many other differences, is that the country needs to lead technologically to maintain a...
One thing that US politicians seem to agree on, despite a great many other differences, is that the country needs to lead technologically to maintain a...
Many of yesterday’s talks were littered with the acronyms you’d expect from this assemblage of high-minded panelists: YC, FTC, AI, LLMs. But threaded throughout the conversations—foundational...
After months of speculation about its search ambitions, OpenAI has revealed SearchGPT, a “prototype” search engine that could eventually help the company tear off a slice...
New Jersey itself is a home to many large pharmaceutical companies—and if these companies use AI to design new drugs, nearby data centers are vital, Sullivan...
Several years before ChatGPT began jibber-jabbering away, Google developed a very different kind of artificial intelligence program called AlphaGo that learned to play the board game...
In late April a video ad for a new AI company went viral on X. A person stands before a billboard in San Francisco, smartphone extended,...
Amazon’s cloud division has launched an investigation into Perplexity AI. At issue is whether the AI search startup is violating Amazon Web Services rules by scraping...
One of the key ingredients that made ChatGPT a ripsnorting success was an army of human trainers who gave the artificial intelligence model behind the bot...
Some Fortune 500 companies have begun testing software that can spot a deepfake of a real person in a live video call, following a spate of...
A week after its algorithms advised people to eat rocks and put glue on pizza, Google admitted Thursday that it needed to make adjustments to its...