Honor Choice Watch is expected to launch in India soon. In January, HonorTech CEO Madhav Sheth had teased the smartwatch but did not announce a launch date. A tipster now claims that it will launch in the country alongside the Honor X9b, which is confirmed to launch on February 15. The upcoming smart wearable is tipped to be a remodelled version of the Honor Choice Haylou Watch that has been unveiled in select markets. If true, the Honor Choice Watch is likely to share similar specifications as the Haylou Watch model.
Tipster Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings) claimed in a post on X that the Honor Choice Watch will be unveiled in India alongside the Honor X9b on February 15. He also claimed that the smartwatch will likely feature a dedicated SOS call button, becoming the first of its kind in the country. It is also tipped to be compatible with the Honor Heath app.
In January, the company’s India head shared an unboxing for the Honor Choice Watch. In the video, the watch is seen in a white colour option. It has been speculated to be a remodelled version of the Honor Choice Haylou Watch.
The Honor Choice Haylou Watch, as per its Malaysian listing, carries a 1.95-inch AMOLED display with 410 x 502 pixels resolution and a 60Hz refresh rate. It supports magnetic charging and has a 5ATM rating. Backed by a 300mAh battery, it is claimed to offer a battery life of up to 12 days. It is offered in Black and White colourways. The design seen here is similar to the one we see in the aforementioned teaser of the Honor Choice Watch.
Notably, Madhav Sheth has also previously shared a similar teaser for the Honor Choice Earbuds X5. The earbuds, along with its case, are seen in a white colour option. These TWS earphones are currently available in select markets and have previously been tipped to launch in India alongside the Honor X9b, as well.
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