Lumiose City is undergoing a “high-tech urban redevelopment” in the latest Pokemon Legends Z-A trailer, and I’m betting it has something to do with the nearly 700 lb hippos that keep falling from the sky.
What the hell are you talking about? Good question. Pokemon Legends Z-A briefly shows our trainer teleporting up onto Lumiose’s rooftops for some parkour fun and Pokemon battles, but one shot shows a Talonflame beefing with a Hippowdon. You know, the massive ground-type hippo Pokemon that weighs almost 700 lbs.

Pokemon Legends Z-A’s Pokedex has already confirmed a host of other heavy hitters, though. Onix weighs 460 lbs, according to the Pokemon database, meaning battles can theoretically put a 1100 lb strain on Lumiose City’s Pokemon Centres, orphanages, and nursing homes. Leaving your 200-pound giant sack of walking, stinking garbage (Garbodor) on a rival’s roof might make for a good prank, though.
Regardless, I’m more interested in what happened in Lumiose City’s past for the government to fund such sturdy buildings. We still don’t fully know where in the timeline Legends Z-A sits, though. If it takes place a few thousands years before X and Y, then perhaps the Kalos region is still recovering from the war and Lumiose is simply prepping against any potential, future attacks. If it takes place sometime after, then, well, any number of Snorlax or Golem or Torterra could’ve plopped down from above and created a controversy too big for Lumiose’s welfare fund to ignore. We won’t know the answer to this very important journalistic query until the game comes to Nintendo Switch later this year.